Monday, April 23, 2012

Easter Weekend #2 - Take 2

I found a few more pictures from our weekend in Iowa on the smaller camera.
Cousin Lindsey with Alex

Alex loves being entertained.

Mike's cousin Mary Lenz Crosby with her little chunky monkey, Liam, and Mike with our chunky monkey.  Liam was born at the end of December - right on time.  On the left is Mary's daughter Evie (3).

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Just hangin' out at home

I think that Jeanne, our day care provider, must be getting Alex on his tummy during the day because he is getting better at it.  He still doesn't like it any better, but he's definitely holding his head up longer.

Easter Weekend Number 2

We made the first trip to Iowa since Alex was born.  We went to celebrate with Mike's great aunt Sr. Lydia Wendl, SFPA.  She was celebrating her 90th birthday and 70th anniversary of entering the convent.  We also celebrated with Grandma Carol Meiners.  She celebrated the 31st anniversary of her 39th birthday.

One of the traditions in the Meiners family is an Easter Egg hunt for the kids.  Some of the big nieces and nephews are too cool for the egg hunt.  It's a good thing there is a new crop of little kids coming to keep the tradition going!  This year it was Alex, Kaitlyn (2) and Kaylie (8) who participated.  

Again, I didn't do a super great job of getting pictures of Alex with everyone.  Hopefully we'll do a little better next time.  
Grandpa Meiners and Alex

Alex and Cousin Sam

Alex and Auntie Kim

Poor Auntie Deb.  She always seemed to get Alex when he wasn't too happy.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Happy Easter

Easter basket from Auntie Beth and Uncle Cory

Baseball eggs - must be Uncle Cory's influence!

My first easter eggs

Soaking up the attention from Grandma and Grandpa.

Do you think Uncle Cory is a Brewer's fan?

Back to Work Week 2

So far we seem to be doing pretty well.  The daycare is a short side trip off Mike's route to work, so he has been taking him in the morning.  Alex gave Dad a bit of a hard time on Monday.  Sounds like their timing was a little off.  Alex needed to be changed and fed all before Mike had a chance to get himself ready.  And then he didn't want to be put down.  It was a little late before Mike got him to daycare and to work.  Tuesday and Wednesday were a little smoother.

With Mike doing the drop off, I get to do the pick up.  I really look forward to picking him up at the end of the day.  Then we go home for some one-on-one time.  I've had to alter my schedule a little to leave work earlier as our day care closes at 5:00 PM and it takes me a little while to get there from downtown, but especially with the great weather coming, leaving early is nice.

So far, going back to work has been better than I expected.  For the most part, I am enjoying being back at work.  I am lucky that my coworkers did such a great job at covering for me.  It's good to be back to work with them.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bigger and bigger

Alex is now 13 pounds!  Its hard to believe how big he has gotten.  I remember looking at the 3-6 month clothes and thinking he would never fit into them.  And now he fills them out.

L:  Preemie outfit that fit him when he was born and for a few weeks in the hospital.  R: 3-6 month sleep that fits now.


March 31, 2012

Loves the butterflies on his play gym.  

Back to work

This is the first week back to work.  Its been two days and so far so good.  It's been kind of nice to get back to work.  I certainly have plenty to keep me busy there.  On Monday before I left for work I told Alex though, that if no one missed me, that I would just stay home with him the next day.  Grandma said I had to go at least the first week so she could get her cuddle time in with Alex.

It's been great having Mom here.  Thanks Mom!  We can ease back into work a little without having to do the drop off and pick up routine quite yet.  And Grandma cooks too!  Next week we will start taking him to Jeanne's.

He's been a lot of fun the last few weeks.  He talks and smiles all the time now.  He loves toys that hang on his play gym.  He loves it when people talk to him and smile at him and on Sunday he even laughed a little bit.  He's also in almost constant motion when he's awake.  He moves and kicks his feet.  He manages to hit his toys on the play gym but mostly by accident.  He hasn't quite coordinated his movements yet to get to something on purpose or grab toys.  And as of last week he's holding his head up all by himself.

March 13th - He's a big guy.  No more infant insert or blanket rolls for the car seat.
He loves Grandpa's attention.

We went to Grandma and Grandpa Bruzek's over St. Patrick's Day weekend while Mike was in Denver.

March 22nd = Shorts?
 In early March we noticed that Alex was really starting to pay more attention to objects and toys, especially those that hang on his play gym, so I bought him a mobile for his crib.  It's a hit!!  It plays soothing music, but it does not help him fall asleep.  It's too interesting!

Alex likes reading.  

He's starting to move more and more.  One day I put him in his crib for a nap and he wriggled and squirmed until he had his head up against the end of the crib.