Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Lots of firsts...

On Sunday Alex rolled over for the first time from his tummy to his back.  And then he rolled from his back to his side.  Grandma and Grandpa Bruzek happened to be here to see it.  We were all just amazed!  But apparently not enough to take any pictures of the occassion.  It was a busy day though and so we did get a picture of him all tuckered out after. 

This week also marks Alex's first illness.  He has an ear infection.  Early this morning he just didn't settle back to sleep after eating like he usually does.  He was awake for longer periods and up again after only 45 min of sleep.  He was very conjested and generally fussy - just wanted to be held and cuddled.  He was obviously .  So when the clinic opened, we called the nurse line, and got him an appointment.  When we got there, he seemed to be feeling a little better and seemed a little happier.  We were feeling a little sheepish, but Dr. Krych is so awesome.  She said we shouldn't feel bad.  She would always believe us when we say that he is feeling ill.  She listened to his lungs which were clear.  And then checked his ears and found an infection in his right ear.  So we are now armed with Baby Tylenol, ear drops, and amoxicilin.   We each stayed home with him a half day today.  He has slept a lot and seems to be feeling quite a bit better. 

Friday, May 4, 2012

Professional Family Photos

I can't believe it's taken me this long to post these photos.  We had some professional photos taken at the end of March just before Alex turned 4 months old.  Even though he wasn't terribly smiley, she managed to get a few smiles in the pictures.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Just some pictures

My new trick

Look what Mommy taught me how to do this week.

At home and visitors

Last weekend, Auntie Anne, Uncle Leon and Auntie Mary came to visit.  I didn't get a great picture of Mary with Alex.  I know both Anne and Mary had their cameras.  Can one of you send me a picture?

Tummy Time

Alex has gotten much stronger in the last couple of weeks.  He's been holding his head up well for a while, but a couple weeks ago we noticed that he also holds his back straighter and can sit with assistance.  All of this is making tummy time a lot more interesting and less horrible for him.  Jeanne, our day care provider, gets him on his tummy every day too, so he is getting lots of practice.  It's paying off.  

This book is one of the best things ever.  It's a picture book called Black & White by Tana Hoban.  Black with white images on one side and white with black images on the other.  It opens up so that it can stand.  He just loves it and has for quite some time.  I picked it up at the library a long time ago and finally returned it today - and paid my overdue fine.  Then went to order a copy from Barnes and Noble.