Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Milwaukee Visit

Alex and I had a busy weekend over Labor Day weekend.  On Friday I took the day off and took him to get some pictures taken.  He did great and we got some good shots.  Then we drove to Milwaukee to visit Auntie Beth and Uncle Cory in their new house - which is awesome!!!  They have it all decorated and everything and they just moved in two weeks ago.  We were excited to be their house guests along with Beth's friend Jen, her husband Charlie and their 10 month old Aubrey.  We stayed until Sunday.  On Monday we hung out at home and went to Oxbow Park in Byron which has a little zoo.  

On Friday night we went to the Cheesecake Factory.  I think this was the first time he's been in a high chair at a restaurant.  He looks like such a big boy in it :-(

On Saturday we took a little trip to the Milwaukee Zoo which isn't far from Beth and Cory's house.

Alex liked the monkeys at the zoo.  

Beth, Alex and the chimpanzees

I think Alex was more interested in the little boy in the stroller next to him than the chimps.

Alex and Uncle Cory
 On Saturday my Aunt Jane, Uncle John, Aunt Anne, and Uncle Leon came to visit for a few hours and check out Beth and Cory's new house.  This was the first time Alex got to meet Auntie Jane and Uncle John.
Alex and Auntie Jane

Alex and Aubrey having fun playing together.  

He's ready for the army

Alex learned to crawl - army crawl - in mid-August.  He started out just reaching for things and stretching and straining to get at them.  At first he would move just a few inches, but within 2 days he was scooting across the floor.  He pulls himself across the floor with his arms and pushes a little with his legs.  He can get around just about anywhere he wants.  He hasn't figured out that if he got onto all fours he could really move fast.  As it is, he's pretty quick.  And he has the rug burn to match - on his arms and knees.

He seems interested in the table and chair legs, but when he crawls under the table, he gets a little stuck.  Instead of rescuing him, his rotten mother just let him work it out for himself and took pictures of the process.

Swimming Lessons

We signed Alex up for swimming lessons one week in mid-August at the Y.  Alex really seemed to enjoy it.  And so did we. The duck in the last picture is a slide in the little kid area which Alex thought was pretty entertaining.

Catching up - August 2012

We started out August with a visit to Carroll IA for the Meiners Family Reunion.  We had a good time.  It was really nice to see everyone.  We also got to see cousin Abby and how big she has gotten.  And we got to meet new cousin Kyle who was born July 16th.

It's a long ride to Grandma and Grandpa Meiners -  plenty of opportunity for a good nap.

Alex and Liam with their parents.  Liam's mom Mary is Mike's first cousin.  So does that make Alex and Liam second cousins?

With cousin Lindsey

We spent the rest of the month catching up at home - mostly just hanging out.  

Our hanging out in Rochester included a picnic with Miss Caroline and her mom.

And we went to one of the last Honkers games of the year.  Except for the beginning of the game where everyone cheered and he got a little scared and overwhelmed, he did very well.  The game was super slow so we didn't make it through the whole thing.  I think we missed the exciting part of the game.  After trailing the other team for 6 innings, they somehow managed to pull ahead and win the game after we left.
 I really enjoyed our stroller class that Alex and I did together.  These two photos were taken at the last class the weekend before Labor Day.

Playing peek-a-boo.
This was taken in early August.  Finally the Boppy pillow is useful for something - propping him up.  This was useful for just a couple of days, and then he could sit up all by himself.  

Now he is a pro at sitting.  Not very graceful at moving from sitting to tummy yet, but that will come.