Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thursday 2011-12-15 - 13 days old

Today we are reminded how lucky we are that Alex is so healthy. 

Caroline was Alex's neighbor in the next room at the ISCN when he arrived here.  I know Caroline's story because Caroline's mom, Jill, and I have known each other for quite some time.  We first met 8-10 years ago playing women's and co-ed soccer and worked in neighboring buildings.  With job changes and team changes we hadn't seen each other in several years, but were reconnected a few months ago.  In mid-September we both joined a Healthy Pregnancy Program offered through the Mayo fitness center and discovered that our babies were due just days apart.  I saw Jill 1-2 times per week from mid-September through Thanksgiving.  Being at the same stage of pregnancy as Jill was nice.  We'd compare notes - "How are you feeling"  "Can you feel the baby move yet?"  To have had our babies just a day apart, both early, and then to be roomed next door to each other in the ISCN - what are the chances?

Caroline and Alex were born just a day apart and both in week 34.  Caroline was a little smaller than Alex and had struggled a little with jaundice.  The last I talked to Jill (Sat or Sun), things seemed to be going well.  Her bilirubin levels were on the decline, she had also transitioned out of the incubator, and they were also going to start nursing.  But on Tuesday when we arrived here, Caroline's room was empty.  I didn't think she had been discharged to home yet, so I emailed Jill. Caroline had been transfered to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at St Marys with hydrocephaly (fluid on the brain).  Lots of tests later, it sounds like they have found the root cause and will watch her closely.  This condition can cause developmental delays.  They are optimistic that this will be minor for Caroline, but even so they will monitor her progress very closely. I think she will stay at the NICU for a while, maybe even until she goes home. 

It was nice to have Jill here.  I've missed having another mom on the floor to talk to.  The nice thing about the ISCN is how private it is.  But on the other hand, it can be a little isolating.  Jill and I would check in with each other every couple days to see how the other was doing.  "How are you holding up?"  "How are you feeling"  "Is Caroline/Alex doing okay?"  I miss her.  Of course we hope for the best for Caroline.

Because the rooms are all private, I don't know anything about the other babies here.  But its still pretty obvious that some struggle more than others.  The billi lights for jaundice treatment make a whole room glow.  You see the call lights and hear the alarms.  You can see people coming in with blood draw carts or portable ultrasound machines - and you know that they don't order those tests for preemies without good reason.  We are so blessed that Alex is so healthy.

Bath number three today.  Alex likes his bath.  Mike did this one and it went great. 

Grandma and Grandpa Bruzek bought him some preemie clothes.  This is the first time he wore one of them.  He fills it out pretty well.  At 4 lbs 15.6 oz, he may not be able to wear it too many times.

Cuddling with Dad. 

1 comment:

  1. Laura, I've been getting updates about you from Jenny Pokorny and she sent me the link to your blog. Congratulations on your little guy! I was exactly where you are almost 9 years ago. It sounds like he is doing well, as was Rachel so long ago. The first few weeks in the hospital were long and I couldn't wait to get home with her. Hang in there and I'll talk to you soon!
    Ann Tuma
