This weekend Alex got to meet Mom's extended family. Grandma and Grandpa Bruzek hosted two parties for Alex. The food was great! (Thanks Grandma!) And the invitations were adorable (Thanks Auntie Beth!) It was also the first overnight trip away from home. He did very well!
On Saturday the Rivers family gathered to meet Alex. He was awake most of the day and loved being held by all of his aunties, uncles and cousin Rachel.
Alex enthralled by Aunt Mary Rivers' bird calls. She used to do this for his mom when she was a baby too. |
Aunt Christa Rivers |
Uncle David Rivers |
Aunt Diane Stroot |
Uncle John Rivers hasn't lost the touch either. |
I thought I did a great job of getting pictures of everyone with Alex, but I missed photos of Rachel and Auntie Anne. If someone has a good one can they send it to me?
On Sunday the Bruzek family came to meet Alex. He loved being held by everyone.
L to R: cousin Mike Frost, Mike's fiance Deb Carpenter, Deb's daughter Addy, and Aunt Mary Frost. |
Does Addy looks like she enjoys this?! She did a great job. Alex loved being held by Addy. |
Cousins Hallie, Joey and Jenny making faces at Alex. |
Joey (age 3) thinks this baby is okay, but isn't about to give him a kiss on the head as was suggested. |
Alex and Auntie Deb Hanzel |
Cousin Hallie VonBank and Alex. Doesn't he look comfy? |
Alex also loved cousin Katie Irwin. He even smiled for her. |
Judging by this picture of Alex with Aunt Mary, you'd think he was awake for much of this. |
But actually, he spent most of the time like this - sacked out. Here he is cuddling with cousin Rachel VonBank |
Cousin Joey helped Mom open the presents. He wasn't too crazy about all of the clothes.
I thought they were great!!! Alex will be stylin'! |
Joey much preferred the toys. Alex will like them as well soon enough. |
It's a good thing that Alex can't read yet.
(Onesie says "Party tonight my crib 3am" for those of you who can't read that small print) |
The whole Fam Damily. |
Again, I thought I did such a good job of getting pictures with everyone but I missed pictures of Mary Irwin and Steve Frost holding Alex. So if anyone has any of those, send them along.
After all of that excitement and holding, I was afraid that Alex would just want to be held all day on Monday, but he was pretty much back to normal and took two naps in his crib. It didn't seem to phase him too much. Hopefully he'll continue to be an easy going baby. For now, we'll just enjoy it!
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