Sunday, June 17, 2012

Doing new things all the time.

Alex has so many new tricks all the time.  He seems to be changing all the time.  Maybe its because we had such an extended newborn phase, but it seems as if his development is so fast.  Some of the new things he does...

Rolls over from his back to his tummy.
He's getting stronger with lots of control over his head, shoulders, and back.  However, he doesn't really like being on his tummy and hasn't figured out yet how to roll the other way.  This sometimes results in quite a bit of protesting and whining.  This became a problem the weekend after Memorial Day when he started doing it at night.  He'd roll himself onto his tummy and then whine.  So Mike would go in and roll him back over onto his back.  This happened a few times Friday and Saturday night, but fortunately he got comfortable with sleeping on his tummy.

So he used to sleep like this....

And now he sleeps like this....

He loves to stand....
We've gotten out the exersaucer.  He seems to like being able to see from his new vantage point.

He's sitting in the bumbo seat.  He thinks it's just okay.  Here he is helping Mom cook dinner.
He's also getting more coordinated with his hands, which makes playing with toys easier and more fun for him.

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